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The Refutable Facts About Acne

 The Refutable Facts About Acne

Have you ever used more than twice a day to wash your face to get rid of acne? Do you stay away from greasy meals and chocolate in the hopes that you won't see any more blemishes when you gaze in the mirror? Have you ever upped your water intake, avoided certain foods, or exercised more to stop acne flare-ups? You are not alone if you indicated yes to any of the above questions.

One of the most prevalent skin conditions, acne affects around 85% of the population. While there are more and more efficient therapies for acne, there are also more and more misconceptions about how to manage the problem.

A cure for acne has not yet been found, despite the fact that new therapies are being created daily. As a result, according to a doctor, many patients opt to self-treat or try out alternative remedies. However, a lot of these treatments are based on hearsay and have not undergone thorough scientific testing. According to the poll, these myths continue to influence how patients treat their acne.

Myth: Bad hygiene makes acne worse.

Since most people think that dirt and poor cleanliness cause acne, the connection between face cleaning and acne has long been misinterpreted. In fact, a recent Stanford University survey asked people to name the top factor they believed contributed to the deterioration of their acne, and 91 percent of them identified inadequate cleanliness. According to a doctor, if a patient thinks that acne is caused by dirty skin, they will naturally come to the conclusion that cleaning their face more frequently can reduce their acne. Dermatologists warn patients, however, against washing too frequently because the discomfort that results from doing so can make their acne worse.

Recent research on the effects of face washing on acne was conducted at Stanford University to ascertain the scientific veracity of this myth. For two weeks, a group of twenty-four men used a gentle over-the-counter facial cleanser to wash their faces twice daily. Following that, the individuals were chosen at random to wash their faces once, twice, or four times per day for an additional six weeks. The study concluded that the benefits of more frequent facial cleanliness are, at best, minor because washing one's face once, twice, or four times a day did not significantly alter the appearance or condition of acne. Dermatologists still advise twice-daily face cleaning to preserve healthy skin in general.

Myths: Exercise Can Make Acne Worse or Can Make It Clear

There is still a lot of individual variation in the acne and exercise link. Others report that their skin gets worse when they exercise, especially those who use special equipment that scrapes against their skin. Some people think that exercise and sweating can help clean up the pores, especially on the chest and back.

Exercise-induced sweating was found to have no discernible good or negative effects on acne of the chest and back in a different study of acne patients at Stanford University. Twenty-three male volunteers were divided into three groups: the non-exercise group, the regular exercise group, and the regular exercise group with delayed showering. Over the course of two weeks, the number of acne lesions on the chest and back were counted, and there was no difference between the three groups. According to Dr. Boer Kimball, frequent exercise might be advised for acne patients based on the study's findings. However, they should stay away from constrictive gear and apparel. If using tight-fitting equipment, it should be cleaned frequently.

Others about acne

The Stanford survey found that respondents also believed that a bad diet and insufficient sleep can have a detrimental impact on acne, in addition to the fallacies about facial care and exercise that are still the most widely recognized acne myths. Furthermore, more than 80% of participants thought that higher levels of stress, stroking the face, and popping pimples made the condition worse. The main distinctions between male and female participants were that more women thought that stress could exacerbate acne and that drinking more water would enhance their skin. The study also discovered that some previously held assumptions about acne were no longer considered to be true, such as the notion that sunbathing reduces the appearance of acne.

This study and these research have demonstrated that there are still significant discrepancies between popular opinion and scientific evidence, but as a doctor put it, this does not influence how people try to treat their acne. It is crucial for anyone suffering from acne to seek the advice of a dermatologist, who can properly diagnose the issue and offer treatment choices tailored to the patient's skin type.

The American Academy of Dermatology (Academy), which has its headquarters in Schaumburg, Illinois, was founded in 1938 and is the biggest, most prominent, and most represented of all dermatological associations. The Academy is dedicated to: advancing the diagnosis and medical, surgical, and cosmetic treatment of the skin, hair, and nails; advocating high standards in clinical practice, education, and research in dermatology; and supporting and enhancing patient care for a lifetime of healthier skin, hair, and nails. The Academy has more than 14,000 physicians as members worldwide.
